2022 Table Cards Collection

Form Below

At each table we set this year, one or two questions prompted guests to reflect and share, creating meaningful conversation.

We collected all of the questions asked over 2022 and brought them together in what we are calling our 2022 Table Cards.

It’s our way of reflecting and celebrating the many conversations held over the table this past year, as well as providing a tool to connect with others at your table this holiday season.

For a donation of at least $50, we will ship you a deck.

Give a gift! Simply donate and enter the recipient’s name and address in the comment area.

Thank you!

Table Card Decks are 2″x2″ and come in a plastic case.

Let’s set a table!

Stay updated with events, updates and inspiration to keep setting those tables.

Longer Tables is a 501(c)(3). EIN: 87-1364602

855 Wyandot Street
Denver, Colorado 80204
